Meet Mike Williams...

As tomorrow marks the feast day of Saint David, the patron saint of Wales, we had an interesting catch-up with Mike Williams, our Welsh Sales Manager, to learn a little more about him and his role at Winterbottom's Schoolwear...

What is your job title at Winterbottom’s Schoolwear? Sales Manager

How long have you worked for the company? Four months

Before this role, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had? When I was working in the oil industry, due to the variety in the role. One day I would be on a rig in the North Sea, the next a forecourt, and then a retail store. As well as the various locations, the disciplines involved were extremely diverse too, from health & safety, to retail service standards, to demand planning.

If you could switch your job with anyone else within the company, whose job would you choose and why? Rob Mullins, Head of Albion Group Sourcing, as he travels the world for free!

What advice do you have for prospective Winterbottom’s candidates? It helps to be adaptable, as you will be working with a wide-range of retailers - some who have multiple stores and some who have one. Also, you need to be able to adjust easily, as daily routine and focus changes regularly depending on the demands of the business, as well as the requirements of the retailers.

What do you find the most challenging about your role? The challenge is the attraction, in so much as it is a growing company, therefore every day is different which is fabulous!

What has been your favourite project at Winterbottom’s so far? My current role, which involves mixing business development, along with seeking new business for our Lithuanian factories.

What is on your wish list for the next 10 years at Winterbottom’s? To play a key role in the growth of Winterbottom’s Schoolwear, and for the company to be viewed as the market leader for service and product within the schoolwear market.

What is the favourite part about working for the company? The people; who are extremely welcoming to ‘newbies’, knowledgeable in their roles, and who always make time for colleagues.

How will you be celebrating St David’s Day? I’ll be eating leek soup for dinner with my family, and seeing my 10 month old granddaughter in her Welsh Costume.

Read in Welsh / I ddarllen yn Gymraeg